NOTE: All Revisions to the Constitution and By-laws of the Club will be introduced and passed at a Club Member or Board Meeting then added as an Amendment subsequent to the last Article, (Article XI).
This organization, the Frontier Sno Riders, Inc. shall herein be referred to as “the Club” and is hereby designated as a non-profit, tax exempt, voluntary membership organization.
1. To further the enjoyment of the sport of snowmobiling for both family and individual.
2. To provide means for safe and responsible snowmobiling within and around our community.
3. To educate the general public and members in the recreational and beneficial aspects of safe,
responsible and proper snowmobiling.
4. To develop friendships through the mutual interest of snowmobiling.
5. To serve the community in any way possible.
6. To establish, mark, and maintain trails with the permission of each individual landowner.
7. To own, lease or rent property for Club use.
8. To encourage riders to adhere to established laws governing the ownership and operation of
9. To establish rapport between landowners, area snowmobile franchises, and public officials to
provide the necessary liaison for the continued maintenance and endurance of the sport of
10. To exchange snowmobiling information across organizations.
11. To provide an emergency service for the community when snow traveling is essential.
12. To perform all desirable and lawful functions for the successful operation of this Club and in the general
public interest.
1. The elective officers of this Club shall consist of: President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer.
2. The club will have a Board of Directors consisting of twelve (12) members in good standing. These Board
members will consist of six (6) Directors and six (6) Trustees.
3. The President will establish meeting times and preside over meetings, will serve as club leader and main
spokesman and will direct club functions.
4. The Vice President will preside in the President’s absence.
5. Any member nominated for an office in the club must have been a member in good standing for the
previous year and have attended at least fifty percent of the meetings.
6. No member shall at the time be a candidate for or hold more than one (1) of the offices named in Section 1.
One of this article.
7. The term of office shall be for a one (1) year period and shall commence at the adjournment of the Club’s
April Club Member meeting and shall continue until the election of officers at the April Club Member
meeting the following year.
8. In case of death, resignation, or inability of officers (other than President) to fulfill one’s executive duties
and upon the vacation of that position, the Board of Directors shall elect another member to fill that
vacancy for the remainder of the official term.
9. Any Officer may be removed from office by a two-thirds majority vote of the whole Board of Directors.
A) President:
1. The President shall be presiding officer at all meetings of this Club and of the Board of Directors.
2. He/She shall appoint all Committees and shall be a member ex-officio of all Committees.
3. He/She shall have such power and perform such other duties, as may be normally incidental to his/her
office of President of any organization of this nature.
4. The President may call special meetings of the Board of Directors.
5. The President shall make sure that all pertinent information from the County, State and National
organizations comes to the attention of the club.
6. The President, or the President’s appointed representative, shall represent the club at any meeting of
concern to snowmobiling and at any hearings concerning snowmobiling.
7. The President shall be authorized to sign checks only when the Treasurer is not available.
B) Vice-President:
1. The Vice-President shall assist the President in discharge of his/her duties and in the President’s absence
shall be responsible to act in his/her stead.
2. The Vice-President shall assist the President at Executive meetings, other meetings, and club functions.
3. The Vice-President will assume all the duties of the office of President in the event of the Presidents death,
resignation, or removal from office.
C) Treasurer:
1. The Treasurer shall keep the accounts of this Club and have charge of its funds.
2. The Treasurer shall deposit, in the name of the Club, all money received in a place or places of deposit
designated by the Board of Directors.
3. The Treasurer shall pay the duly incurred debts and bills of the corporation; shall reimburse members of the
corporation who have advanced funds on behalf of the corporation upon receipt of proper documentation
and shall pay out any money ordered to be paid by the Board of Directors or by vote of the Club.
4. The Treasurer will prepare and read a report of all receipts, expenditures, and balances of all accounts at
every meeting.
5. The Treasurer shall maintain updated and complete records, which shall be open to inspection by any
general member at any reasonable time.
6. The Treasurer is responsible for preparing a report of all accounts for audit by an external party designated
by the Board of Directors, upon his/her change in office.
D) Secretary:
1. The Secretary shall be responsible for maintaining accurate written records of all regular and special
meetings of the Club.
2. The Secretary, at monthly meetings, will report on the proceeding of the previous meeting(s).
3. The Secretary shall keep a permanent file of all documents, records, reports, correspondences and
communications connected with this club.
4. It will be the duties of the Secretary to send out all notices to members of the Club, to write and distribute a
monthly newsletter notifying the membership of club meetings and activities.
5. The Secretary shall keep an accurate membership roll containing the names and addresses of all persons
who are members of the Club.
6. The Secretary shall maintain a list of committees, both standing and special, giving names of members
serving on each.
7. The Secretary will make sure any amendments to the by-laws are immediately entered on the official copy,
with a reference to the date of the minutes where this action of the Club is recorded.
8. Other club members may share the Secretary’s duties when the workload warrants it.
1. There shall be a Board of Directors, known as “the Board”, consisting of the four (4) elected officers, the
previous President, six (6) Directors and six (6) Trustees elected from the Club’s general membership. The
previous President must serve on the Board of Directors for only a 1-year term immediately following their
Presidential term.
2. To be eligible for election to the Board of Directors, a member must have been an active member in good
standing prior to the date of election and must have agreed to be a candidate to the Board.
3. The term of office shall be for a three (3) year period and shall commence at the adjournment of the Clubs
April meeting and shall continue until the election of officers at the April meeting.
4. A Director may resign at any time by giving written notice to the Board or the President. Unless otherwise
specified in the notice, the resignation shall take effect upon receipt thereof by the Board or such officer
and the acceptance of the resignation shall not be necessary to make it effective.
5. In case of death, resignation, or inability to fulfill one’s executive duties and upon the vacation of that
position, the Board of Directors shall elect another member to fill that vacancy for the remainder of the
official term.
6. Any Board member may be removed from office by a two-thirds majority vote of the whole Board of
7. A majority of the entire Board shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business or of any specified
item of business, excluding transactions such as removal from office.
8. All questions of procedure, not covered in these by-laws, shall be determined by the Board of Directors.
9. The Board of Directors will see that the club by-laws are followed by all members and guests, to keep the
club in good standing with landowners, will amend the by-laws of the club with all changes requiring a
majority vote, will form and regulate various committees, will regulate the Club’s assets, designate and
direct their functions as well as approve the appointment of members thereof. These acts will require a
majority two-thirds vote.
1. The Directors shall supervise all Officers and Trustees and ensure that their duties are properly performed
as per the by-laws.
2. The Directors shall devise, carry into execution and regulate such measures, as they seem proper and
expedient to promote the activities, objectives and purposes of this Club.
3. All Officers and Directors shall have such other powers and duties as required by the law.
1. The Trustees shall supervise all Officers and Directors and ensure that their duties are properly performed
as per the by-laws
2. The Trustees shall review the Club’s financial statements and taxes annually at the conclusion of the April
Club member meeting.
3. The Trustees shall be responsible for an audit of all club expenditures upon change in the office of
4. All Officers and Trustees shall have such other powers and duties as required by the law.
1. Any person applying for membership must be eighteen (18) years of age or older and must also complete
their own application form. The Board of Directors will act upon the application. If the Board rejects an
application for any reason, the application may be put to a vote of the membership, and be accepted or
rejected by a two-thirds majority. If the Board’s vote denies the application, the applicant will be refunded
any monies originally collected.
2. Members in good standing must abide by all provisions and by-laws of the Club’s constitution.
3. Membership may be terminated by submitting in writing to the Board of Directors to that effect.
4. Upon termination of membership, all previously paid fees or dues will revert to the Club.
5. Termination of memberships by the Club will require a majority Board action and a two-thirds majority
vote by the membership.
6. Membership in this Club shall consist of two classes:
a) Individual Memberships - available to any individuals 18 years of age or older. Each Individual
member shall be entitled to one vote.
b) Family Memberships - shall consist of up to two persons 18 years of age or older, residing at the
same address and may include any of their children up to the age of 18 years, listed on the
membership application. Each active family membership shall be entitled to two votes.
7. Benefits and privileges of active members in good standing will include, but are not limited to:
a) The right to receive monthly newsletters from the Club.
b) The right to participate in all Club activities.
c) The right to attend and participate in all Club meetings.
d) The right to vote in all Club elections and on Club matters.
e) The right to hold office in the Club when eligible and duly elected.
f) The right to receive official Club snowmobile sticker.
g) The right to use snowmobiles on official Club trail system.
h) The right to propose amendments of these by-laws.
i) The right to receive liability insurance coverage as duly noted under the current Club Insurance
policies when riding on official Club trails
8. Membership in the Club shall be contingent upon annual payment of dues.
9. The membership year begins on September 1st and ends on August 31st.
1. The annual dues amount is to be determined by the Board and be approved by a two-thirds majority vote of
the membership.
2. Dues may be revised at any time by special Board action and approved by a two-thirds majority vote of the
3. Dues are due in September.
4. Any member that joins after April 1st will have his membership extended to include the following
membership year that starts September 1st.
5. Dues charged to members shall include membership dues to the Club and NYSSA.
6. Any membership renewal dues not paid by December 31st shall result in that membership being removed
from the Club’s mailings.
1. A minimum of seven regular Club Membership meetings shall be held each year, September through April
and a minimum of one Board of Directors meeting shall be held each year. The Board of Directors or
President may call special meetings of this Club.
2. All other general meetings or socials will be called to order by the Board of Directors.
3. To be eligible for free or reduced price activities, members must attend fifty percent of all meetings and/or
must participate in twenty five percent of all work functions. The Board may grant exceptions for special
4. The Board of Directors shall appoint the dates of all regular Club membership meetings and Board
meetings of this organization.
5. All decisions at an executive session of the Board of Directors are binding unless overridden by a two-
thirds majority vote at the next regularly scheduled Club Membership meeting.
6. The membership present of at least 3 members at any regular or special meeting shall constitute a quorum
for that meeting. Only members in good standing are entitled to vote. No one (1) member shall have more
than one vote.
7. Procedures not covered by these by-laws shall be determined by the Board of Directors.
8. The order of business at all meetings of members shall be as follows but is not limited to:
a) Call meeting to order
b) Secretary’s Report
c) Treasurer’s Report
d) Committee Reports
e) Old Business
f) New Business
g) Adjournment
1. All elections will be held at the April Club Member meeting and take effect at the conclusion of the
meeting. An Election Committee will be established at the February club meeting. The committee will
present a slate of candidates at the March Club Member meeting and nominations will be closed and posted
for membership information. Elections will be conducted at the April Club Member meeting.
2. Should an elected member resign from his/her position during the year, the Board of Directors shall meet
and appoint a club representative to fill the position until the April Club Member meeting of elections. In
the event an elected member of the Club is not active for three consecutive meetings, the Board of
Directors may relieve him/her of the position and appoint a club member to fill out the term.
3. The President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer will be elected annually as stipulated in Article III,
Section 7. The Trustee and Director positions will each have two (2) members elected annually and the
term served will be for (3) three consecutive years. The Secretary will maintain the term schedule.
4. An officer may resign at any time by giving written notice to the Board of Directors, or the President.
Unless otherwise specified in the notice, the resignation shall take effect upon receipt thereof by the Board
or such officer, and the acceptance of the resignation shall not be necessary to make it effective.
5. The Board of Directors shall determine the election procedures.
1. Committees will be established by the President, with Board of Directors approval.
2. All committees must invite at least one Board member to any meetings held.
3. The club may create committees of the general membership to carry out the functions of the corporation.
4. Committee meetings may be called by the chair of that committee, or by the President.
5. The Committee shall have the authority to name the chairperson of each committee. The President shall be
an ex-officio member of each committee, except the Nominating Committee.
6. The standing Committees of this Club shall be:
a) Trails & Landowner Committee
b) Safety & Education Committee
c) Fundraising & Awards Committee
d) Nominating & Election Committee
1. Members or guests will be responsible for any bodily injury and/or property damage that they or their
families may incur. All members and guests must sign a release form to this effect.
2. All members are required to act responsibly. Any blatant act on the part of any member may result in the
expulsion of the members in violation, as provided in article IV, Section 6.
3. The club will provide two club sled stickers per membership. Any additional stickers may be purchased
from the club at the cost of $1.00 per sticker.
4. All members will come to the aid of any snowmobilers in need of assistance.
5. Each member is responsible for familiarization with the area trail system.
6. Any member receiving a complaint from any person will notify the President, Board of Directors or Trail
Boss of the complaint.
7. The Frontier Sno Rider’s membership and landowner database information is deemed personal and
confidential and shall not be shared with any third parties; exception being NYSSA. The Club’s database
information will be shared with NYSSA for the express purpose of implementing and maintaining Club
liability insurance information.
1. The Constitution may be amended at any meeting if the notice of the proposed amendment is presented to
the Secretary, in written form at least one month prior to the next scheduled meeting and the proposed
amendment is accepted by a two-thirds majority vote of the membership attending the meeting.
2. All amendments to these by-laws shall become effective at the close of business at the meeting at which
they are enacted.
1. In the event of dissolution of the Club, whether voluntary or involuntary or by operation of law, all
property and/or revenue of the club shall be donated to any non-profit snowmobile club organization
or charity organization by a majority vote of the board.
Credit Card Holder Program Regulation Policy:
1. Credit Cards are only to be used for approved club work.
2. No charges over $150 will be allowed without the approval of a Trail Boss and two (2) members of
“the Board”.
3. Club Cards that are issued will have a $500 cap per month that can only be raised by the Credit Card
Custodian with 6 members of the Board approval.
4. Meals for major work parties will be allowed at local trail related food establishments. Food not to
exceed $10 per person. Purchases will not include alcohol drinks.
5. Fuel purchases for chain saws, tractors and other trail maintenance equipment will he allowed.
6. Groomer will be gassed up by credit card and receipts attached to trail work logs.
7. All other expenditures must be pre-approved by the Board.
8. Card Holders are responsible for submitting itemized and signed receipts for all purchases.
9. All Club Credit Card Holders will sign that they have agreed to uphold this agreement.
10. Any non-club related purchases made for personal use will be reimbursed to the club within 30 days.
Introduced at a Special Executive Session held on 3/12/08, voted upon and passed at the next Membership Mtg. on 4/9/08.
Monthly audits of all Club credit card expenditure receipts submitted to and produced by the Treasurer, will be conducted by the Trustees for approval or rejection and reported to the Board for any further action.
Introduced at a Special Executive Session held on 3/12/08, voted upon and passed at the Board meeting on 6/18/08.
1. All current Executive Officers, Directors, Trustees, Chairpersons and Land Owners of the Club will have
their dues paid for by the Club each year they hold office, chair a committee or own land that the Club
trails traverse.
2. Members recognized for their contributions to the good and welfare of the Club can be recommended by
any Officer and voted upon by the Board of Directors to have their dues paid for by the Club for that year.
Introduced at the Board meeting held on 6/18/08, voted upon and passed at the next Board meeting. on 8/27/08.